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Legal Notice

Last updated on 04/05/2023

Website publisher

This website is published by the company:


Limited liability company with a capital of 1000 euros

Head office address: 5 Rue de l'Industrie, 74000 ANNECY, France

Registered in the Annecy Trade and Companies Register under number 951 588 540

Email address:

Publication director : Alexandre Sanchez

Website host

This website is hosted by:

Vercel Inc.

Address: 440 N Barranca Ave #4133, Covina, CA 91723, États-Unis

Provider contact email:

Cookies and web local storage

Cookies and web local storage needed to operate the site

The following information is stored in cookies and local session storage necessary for the operation of the site:

Item NameItem TypeDescriptionRetention Period
consentWeb local storageAllows to retain the choice of activating cookies for audience measurement and statistics

Optional cookies for audience measurement and statistics

The following information is stored in the audience measurement and statistical cookies:

Item NameItem TypeDescriptionRetention Period
_gaCookieManaged by Google Analytics. Allows to distinguish users.12 months after last visit
_ga_(container id)CookieManaged by Google Analytics. Allows to keep track of your session status.12 months after last visit